Rabu, 06 November 2019

Moskov Mobile Legends

Moskov adalah hero marksman yang memiliki ability yang sangat baik, offense yang cukup kuat, namun untuk menggunakan hero ini cukup sulit jadi harus banyak-banyak belajar. Sekarang mari kita mempelajarai skill-skill dari moskov ini.

Moskovs basic attack can penetrate the targets and deal damage to enemies behind them. If the basic attack hits enemies successfully, the cooldown of Abyss Walker and Spear of Death will reduce by 0.7s.
Cooldown 7.5  Mana Cost 60
Moskov uses the power of shadow to teleport to the specified position, enhancing attacks penetration ability and increasing 20% of attack speed, for 3s.

Cooldown 12.0  Mana Cost 90
Moskov strikes at an enemy hero with full strength, deaing 140(+40%Total Physical ATK) pts of Physical Damage and knocking back the target. If the airborne target collides with another enemy hero, then both of them will receive 210(+60%Total Physical ATK) pts of Physical Damage and be stunned for 1s. If knocking into obstacles, the target will be stunned for 2s. The enemy thats hit by the skill cannot go into stealth for a short while.

Cooldown 45  Mana Cost 130
Moskov throws out the Spear of Destruction after powering up shortly, dealing 480(140%Total Physical ATK) pts of physical damage to enemies along a straight line. For each enemy it hits, it will provide a buff of increasing 10 pts of attack power to Moskov, stacking up to 5 stacks, lasting 8s.

Ini video tutorial moskov dari Jess No Limit

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